Tax Appeals

Tax Appeal Lawyer in Oklahoma City
When there have been difficulties and misunderstands between you and the IRS concerning your taxes, it is not uncommon for them to take action against you. This can result in your assets and accounts being frozen, your property being seized, and your entire life being turned upside down.
Fortunately, the IRS understands that their assessment of your tax situation may not be 100% accurate. That’s why, in many cases, they inform you of your option to appeal the tax actions taken against you. Being aware of your options, however, does not necessarily mean you know what steps to take to make this appeal happen.
At Carver Law Office, PLLC, we are ready to sit down with you, assess your tax situation, and create an effective, personalized approach for your appeal. Call us today to find out more in a consultation!
We Can Appeal Your Recent Tax Ruling
When the IRS Makes a Mistake
The IRS is not infallible. It is ultimately made up of human beings who can, and do, make mistakes. If you suspect a decision made by the IRS was incorrect, it is worth investigating that possibility.
Some common causes for mistakes by the IRS include:
- The IRS has incorrect facts on file, and made their decision based on these facts
- The IRS misinterpreted the facts of your situation and misapplied the law as a result
- The IRS misinterpreted the law
How Do I Know if I Can Appeal?
Many negative responses from the IRS to your tax return can be challenged with an appeal. In most situations, the IRS is obligated to send a letter establishing your right to appeal their decision. Whether or not you have received such a letter, it is important not to sign any agreement form sent from the IRS if you disagree with their decision.
The following IRS actions are commonly eligible for appeal:
- Seizures
- Audits
- Penalty abatement or removal requests
- Liens and levies
- Innocent spouse decisions
- Offers in compromise
We Are Ready to Help You Take the Next Steps
Filing an effective appeal takes thorough vigilance and understanding of tax law. At our firm, we have over three decades of experience representing citizens with complicated tax issues. We stand up to the IRS every day and are not afraid to help citizens combat IRS actions to regain control of their financial future.
From sending a bulletproof letter of protest, to gathering all the appropriate financial evidence of your circumstances, our Oklahoma City tax attorney can ensure your appeal has the best chance of being heeded by the IRS.
If you or a loved one is facing difficulties with the IRS and believe an appeal is called for, contact Carver Law Office, PLLC today by calling (405) 561-3467 to schedule a confidential consultation.

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